(Concept Art for Diablo III) |
The birth of an idea seems to be out of necessity as much as a need for something more. Let me tell you, this is on a whole new level of birthing. Something spewed forth from the abyssal minds of a few, with legs and arms kicking and screaming.
This project was started at a local game store (LSG) as a way to expand on our Dungeons & Dragons 5E events. Don't get me wrong, we spent a long stretch on the Adventurer's League, but it was lacking in some areas. To be more precise on a few major reasons, some adventures appeared to have been quickly written and, to no fault of their own, having a linear path.
Horde of the Dragon Queen had its moments but was a little unrealistic for me as a DM looking out at the players. The start was my first stumbling block. How is it a group of 'green' adventurers would feel any compulsion to enter a town that is ablaze and a dragon circling the keep? Sorry. I, at most, would stay and watch until the coast was clear before running in. You have to understand, I started at an early age and was heavily influenced by 2nd Edition. There is a thing that all players should know and respect - DRAGON FEAR. I respect this fear, even as a DM.
Now this isn't to say that the module should be dismissed for my opinion on its deficiencies. There are plenty of things inside that will create great stories for later. Again, so not to spoil too much, the first stretch is a gauntlet of encounters that the players must make their way through before ever getting a long rest, which makes for a thrilling piece. Each group will play it different, so could also be disastrous. My players know that you don't blow all your wad in the first encounter (again... 2nd edition), so they showed a little restraint and resilience to make it through. I could also see this going another direction, and not in a pleasant way.
So here we are, and me writing this blog/memoir/info piece. I want other gamers out there to see a birthing of something that may either prosper or drown in a vat of unmanageable acid.
- James S. Austin